Apple ROI, KPIs, & Social Listening

Jenna Walsh
4 min readMar 11, 2021

An apple a day keeps the haters away.

October 21st is national Apple Day. In honor of national Apple Day, the Apple company has decided to create an event for all Apple lovers. The objective of this event is to increase the number of subscriptions for Apple Music by 3% for Q4. Starting at the beginning of Q4 users can create a post showing off their favorite Apple products while also utilizing the hashtag #appleday and tagging Apple in their content. Users have the deadline on October 20th at 11:59pm est. to post their content. On actual Apple Day users with the most creative posts will be contacted to receive a free month of Apple Music and have a chance to have their content posted to Apple’s social media accounts.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • Specific: Goals are increase the number of Apple Music subscriptions by 3% for Q4. Have users post creative content promoting Apple products using the hashtag #appleday and tagging the Apple company. In return users receive one month free of Apple Music.
  • Measurable: By utilizing the hashtag #appleday and tags Apple would receive would give the company easier parameters to track their progress.
  • Attainable: These goals are possible because it gives the users time to create their post. Also gives the company time to track all the content that is being received and measure the progress of the event.
  • Realistic: This is a realistic goal because this event will help promote the Apple company and also give users a call to action to create a post to receive a month free of Apple Music.
  • Time: Having a three week time frame for this event gives plenty of time for users to create their content and for Apple to maintain and monitor the content being received.

Key Performance Indicators
The hashtag #appleday and having users tag Apple will make it beneficial for the company to measure the progress and performance of the event. In result Apple will be prepared to know the general amount of content being created by the users and will therefore be prepared on how many users will receive the free month of Apple Music. This will also give Apple a rough estimate on what to anticipate when it comes to the number of subscribers to Apple Music from the event.

How social media will help achieve S.M.A.R.T. Goals and KPIs
Social media is the core factor in achieving the S.M.A.R.T. goals for the event. The reason why social media will help achieve these goals is because it is the central hub where the company can receive the content and results through the various social media platforms. Also the return on investment can be almost instantaneous due to the fact the event is all online and can be done with just a click. As in, once the event is done and the users have received their free month of Apple Music. It will increase the likelihood of the user to continue their subscription therefore increasing the ROIs for Apple Music subscriptions.

Since hashtags and tagging are big players when it comes to KPIs it is obvious social media plays a big role when it comes to measuring the performance of the variables. In other words hashtags and tagging give the company something to measure and monitor in order to achieve their end goal. Without social media tags Apple would have an extremely difficult time tracking all of their data before the actual event. Additionally, social media keeps Apple out of the dark when it comes to predicting the end results of the event. The reason why is due to the consistent monitoring and measuring of the event, keeping Apple in the loop of their progress at all times.

The ideal outcomes Apple should receive from the event is as follows. Have a 3% increase in subscriptions to Apple Music for Q4. Have an increase in followers on social media platforms. Lastly, have more user generated content Apple can use when needed.

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