Face-to-Face Communities are the Foundation to Create Online Communities

Jenna Walsh
3 min readJan 16, 2022


Why are face to face communities so important when it comes to creating online communities? Simple, the physicality of individuals being present and getting firsthand organic interactions that people cannot receive in the digital world. Face to face communities is essential when creating a stable online community. Typically, people are more comfortable interacting with others who they have met in person because it gives them a sense of familiarity. If one meets another online there is not a lot of familiarity between the individuals making the interaction and relationship less intimate. By having all participants have an established connection to one another outside of the digital world it makes the transition easier to make a healthy online community.

Let’s look at online dating for an example. Since the dating scene has advanced to the digital world it makes meeting people organically a little more difficult. Notice how when it comes to the online dating world, it is the goal for the individuals to meet up in person. Why? Because the individuals can get a true feel of what the other is like without having to hide behind a screen. Especially when it comes to the online dating world there is a lot of ‘catfishing.’

This is when individuals lie about their true identities by impersonating someone else who is not them. That is why it is crucial to have those face-to-face interactions because it sets the reality in for the individuals. This then eliminates any fallacies on the individuals’ identities and give them a sense of reassurance that this person is real and not someone made up. Physically meeting face to face also gives the individuals their undivided attention to truly get to know one another firsthand.

Another reason why face to face communities is so important is the immediacy. When in an online community people are on everyone else’s time and sometimes timing does not match up. This could then lead to miscommunication within the community. By having face to face contact with the individuals within the community every aspect can be acknowledged and taken care of right then and there instead of waiting for someone to respond back. This also helps build stronger relationships because it gives the opportunity for people to show their personalities. People have a harder time showing off who they if they are only represented through a text or email. In addition, if the community is facing a more sensitive issue or topic, it is best to address the situation in person. The reason for this is no matter how good of a writer a person is, it is nearly impossible to put emotion paper. By being able to see body language and emotion firsthand is what leaves a lasting impression.

By having a strong foundation in the face-to-face communities, it sets the tone for building strong online communities. Having established relationships within the community is a key factor on creating a healthy online environment. It is so beneficial to establish that online community because it keeps the community always connected. Therefore, once those relationships are established in the physical world the individuals can build, grow, and maintain their community in the online world.


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