Oh How We Adore Sandra Oh

Jenna Walsh
3 min readMar 17, 2022


March 16th 2021 in Georgia victims: Yong Yue, Suncha Kim, Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Daoyou Feng, Xiaojie Tan, Delaina Ashley Yaun, and Paul Andre Michels lost their lives from a racially motivated act.

This tragedy has ignited the movement of #StopAsianHate to put a stop to violence towards Asians and Asian Americans. Once the Atlanta spa shooting reached headline news the community was quick to take action on the social injustice. Sandra Oh being apart of the AAPI community took it into her own hands to speak up about the matter. Oh has been an active participant in other communities and movements that she makes it known on her social media platforms that she is with you and has her support.

Oh immediately took to her Instagram to speak up about the shootings that occurred in Atlanta last year. Oh posted a photo (pictured right) to let her followers know that she is there for them and has her full support. She also added the devastation and anger she is having to let them know this is not an event to take lightly. Oh had a way of being able to acknowledge the darkness but also shed the light in just that one post. Oh never strayed away from the ugly emotions because they are valid and a natural way to react to this type of event. She also provided hope that this is just the beginning of change and how this won’t be an easy road ahead but it will start a movement. She emphasized to the community to be proud of who they are and that #itsanhonorjusttobeasian. This post really spoke to me, being apart of the AAPI community myself it is refreshing to see someone like me stand up and be proud to be Asian. Growing up I never got to see that and felt like I always had to hide who I was. Sandra Oh taught me to be proud of who I am and that we need to be there for one another in our community.

In addition, Oh provided various resources individuals can refer to if they wanted to get more involved. The resources include different links to GoFundMes that were focused on the AAPI community. Podcasts for people to get more educated and involved about different causes. Black Lives Matter resources and donations. Oh has provided her followers with countless tools they can use to stay involved and educated on important matters. Being a leader by example, Oh also has participated in several rallies supporting the #StopAsianHate movement. Oh speaks up and gives passionate speeches about the cause and validates that this behavior is unacceptable and deserves justice. She encourages for all communities to stand together and help support one another when needed.

Sandra Oh is the literal definition of “not all heroes wear capes.” Despite Oh forever being on the move when it comes to her career she will never not stop standing up for social injustices. Instead of Oh using her platform for just self promoting. She uses it to shed light on events and causes that matter and need to be addressed.


