Stop Asian Hate

Jenna Walsh
3 min readMay 30, 2021


On March 16th 2021 in Georgia victims: Yong Yue, Suncha Kim, Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Daoyou Feng, Xiaojie Tan, Delaina Ashley Yaun, and Paul Andre Michels lost their lives from a racially motivated act. This sparked uproar in the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) community that justice needed to be served. This then lead to more protests and support for the AAPI community.

Video Overview and Analysis
YouTuber Prince Ea created a video to spread and raise awareness about the #stopasianhate movement. Prince used emotional appeal in his video by using a real case scenario to showcase what people in the AAPI community go through on a daily basis.

The video opens up with a male who appears to be the boss for a company looking very angry saying “I do not want people like that here!” The camera then pans over to an asian daughter named Kim accompanied by her mother. Making the viewer think the boss is talking about Kim and her mother. The video then transitions to two younger caucasian men harassing Kim telling her she does not belong with the company because of her race. The video follows Kim discovering some of her paperwork had been scribble on saying racists remarks. The video then proceeds to do a flashback of what Kim goes through on a daily basis. She gets yelled at being called an “Asian Virus” and having people say her and her mother should get the CDC called on them because of their race. The visual change in the scene where the colors are more washed out makes the flashback bleak and full of sorrow. The voices of the oppressors echo inside Kim’s head during the flashback making her feel unaccepted and defeated. The flashback reflects how Kim is feeling as she is being bullied because of her race.

Moving forward to current time, the video goes back to the room with the angry boss. Before the first scene in the video the boss tells a story. He explains how as an infant his mother abandoned him. The boss then explains that Kim’s mother found him and raised him as if he were one of her own. The boss then explains that Kim was to be an intern for his company and how the staff needs to make her feel welcome and accepted. Just like Kim’s mom did for the boss when he was abandoned as a baby. The boss addressed the two men who were harassing Kim saying to them his company has a zero tolerance for that kind of behavior. In result the two men got fired for their unacceptable behavior. The video ends with the creator, Prince, addressing when the hate would stop amongst humans. Prince gave a call to action for the viewers watching the video to wake up and spread kindness and acceptance to others.

This video hit me hard after the attack in Georgia. It is sad to think I can relate so much to this video because I have gone through experiences like this all my life. Prince did not use any smoke or mirrors to get the message across. He used a very basic scenario of someone not being accepted in the workplace because of their race and gave a very moving story that any POC (Person of Color) could relate to. Being a woman apart of the AAPI community watching this video motivated me to spread even more awareness about the AAPI community and to continue the #stopasianhate movement. I then proceeded to spread more awareness about the AAPI community on my social media. Additionally, I would also share petitions and charities through social media where others could donate and spread awareness to the cause.

